Had a great visit with my kid.
Seems like it's been months since she left. More like 5 weeks!
I asked how many DJ EDM gigs she's done since her first in September. The tally is up to around 20 already.
She never turns down sushi....nor does her dad.
I think this was her first drink in a grown-up bar; Lark's at the Ashland Springs Hotel....her wine-tasting class has been paying off, as she picked a really nice red.
Later that night, she had a gig at the Trap Door, where she is now the official house talent.
The next morning is one for the books. A little backstory...
I ran the insane 1989 Mt Marathon race in Seward Alaska while in the Navy. At some point, I shared this photo with my kid....i had just coughed up my toenails after (barely) surviving a 3000' climb in a mile, not to mention the subsequent descent.
When I visited her in Ashland and went to her semi-private art studio. I turned around as she pulled out her present, and then my jaw dropped.
Right before I burst out laughing.
She has my sensibilities, no doubt. An incredibly thoughtful and hilarious gift.
If you're ever in Ashland, check out the Ashland Springs Hotel. A century old renovation, simply gorgeous.