Upon arrival, I meet up with Doug and Russ for a quick dinner at a nearby pub. Nothing wrong with ahi tuna salad and sweet potato tots.
Dinner Friday night; so good... |
Pre-meet briefing at the hotel |
At the briefing on Friday night, I'm informed by Head Umpire Sue that I'm her Assistant Chief Umpire. Wasn't expecting that! Nor was I expecting the nice stipend that will offset some of my travel costs.
There's no air here!!! Albuquerque's 5000' altitude wreaks havoc on non-acclimated lungs trying to run a few miles.
Along the way, I went to the Frontier, a place recommended by a friend. Great mexican breakfast; i had a burrito with eggs, potatoes, carne, jalapenos, and lightning salsa. Incredibly tasty.
But the run back to the hotel post-meal? Not so good. I went very slow on purpose. And thank goodness for long gradual downhills.Then I went to the hotel gym and further wrecked my legs with a whole lot of lunges.
Over to the venue: the Albuquerque Convention Center is across the street from the base hotel.
The track at the Albuquerque Convention Center |
As we're about to march out onto the track, Dan yells at me to get in step....we're not moving yet. Dan will be my roommate at NCAA East Regionals in the wonderfully decadent horse town of Lexington, Kentucky. Dan worked at both the 1984 and 1996 Olympics, and is pretty much my hero.
Two heats of the men's pentathlon hurdles and we're done for three hours. I made sure to shake hands with all the bigwigs so they'll remember me. Every one of them greeted me by name...the National Officials Chairman thanked me profusely for being a last-minute replacement. I didn't tell him I needed some warm weather for a change.
![]() |
Yes, it's pretty, but it wears you down after awhile |
A bunch of the officials are staying at the track for those three hours. Not me; I'd rather go put my feet up on a nice soft bed.
Gotta love a comfortable hotel room! |
Shelby Houlihan rolled to a national title in the mile. The first 400 was a jog, then they spooled it up. At the bell, it was a drag race and she simply ran away from a solid field.
Two world records: women's weight throw and men's 300m. The latter was won by a kid who was a high schooler during the 2016 Trials when he got 4th in the 200m. Guy was flying today, and he sure didn't look young.
Indoor meets are screwy in that the TV people don't want to see us at all. We're pretty much banished outside the track, which makes it tough when dealing with banked turns. No platforms to stand on, so our field of vision is drastically reduced.
Garrett Heath passed on the two mile and will race the mile tomorrow. Hope he wins; he specializes in longer distances, but he's run a highly competitive 3:52. I'd say he has a shot at the podium.
I was woken at 0230 by factors beyond my control. Oh well; i had already slept a solid 4 hours, and was eventually able to nod back off.
0700: I need coffee!!!! Fortunately, the organizers give us not only a hotel room, but breakfast vouchers. Personally, I'd rather eat out in town and sample the local fare whenever possible.
Planned a long walkabout downtown to stretch my legs from yesterday's work. As expected, not much was open. I did come across Cecilia's, a diner I found online...but no windows, bars on the door, 'Open' sign. 'Very sketch' as my daughter would say. I eventually found a neighborhood market with nice mural; the manager pointed me to the Gold Street Cafe around the corner, fabulous juevos with fresh jalapenos.
Sunday morning breakfast; juevos rancheros...
With some added heat!
A couple of meets ago, an experienced official told me the secret to success: get over to the medical/PT venue as soon as they open and get a free massage before the athletes show up. Awesome! My practitioner was literally named Wild Bill, and he was a thinner and much grayer version of the Anti-littering Indian from my youth. He had gorgeous moccasins that I saw much of while face down on the table. Meanwhile, he kneaded me like pizza dough.
Back in the hotel, on the lobby computer. Who is standing nearby? Olympic bronze medal pole vaulter Sam Kendricks. You may have seen the video of Army Reservist Kendricks during a previous meet's warmup....
Really nice guy! We spoke for a bit. He told me he brought 7 vaulting poles on this trip and used 3 of them: one for warming up, one for the main competition (which he won easily), and one for the extra heights he attempted and cleared, up to 19'3". Lots of daylight between him and the bar, too.
Since I'm a track history buff, I mentioned how Sergei Bubka, current WR holder who competed over 20 yrs ago, broke the world record something like 30 times, because he'd get huge bonuses for every record........Sam grinned and told me that Bubka also pushed many substantial rule changes only after he retired, like:
- Shortening the time available between attempts: vaulters are on a clock
- Shortening the length of the pegs on which the crossbar sits, so the bar will now fall with much less contact
- Prohibiting the ability of the jumper to touch the bar while attempting to clear it: vaulters in the past could legally push the bar back onto the pegs while airborne
I was laughing out loud. Every one of those changes made successful jumps much harder, and they were enacted by Bubka the Track Adminstrator only after Bubka the Athlete had retired.
Some people play the game better than others!
Did I mention Sam won an Olympic Bronze medal in Rio??? He said he'll be watching the women's vault later today, so I told him where I'd be stationed and hoped I could get a selfie with him.
At the venue: I take a trip to the men's room and run into a Mr. Carl Lewis.
Lunch in the hospitality room? Pulled pork sandwiches. I ask a woman in the hall if she's the one in charge of the meals. She confirms, then flinches and braces herself for a complaint. I told her the food was amazing...she exhaled, thanked me, and said most comments have not been nearly as positive.
Great lunch at the track: pulled pork (and more jalapenos) |
Tara Davis of the Plyometric Fusion club wins the award for most spectacular dreadlocks.
From my post behind the starting blocks of the 60m hurdles prelims, I lock eyes with world record holder Aries Merritt. I nod, and he nods back. Later, Aries wins his first title since a kidney transplant in late 2015.
I love track.
A few hours ago, I made a reservation for 6 at Tocano's Brazilian Grill. Figured I can cancel if I don't get enough takers. I got 9; gonna be a nice dinner!
Uh, Sam Kendricks? Olympic Bronze Medal pole vaulter? He came looking for me to give me that selfie. Truly a good guy.
Ridiculously nice guy Sam Kendricks |
Garrett Heath runs an aggressive 3rd in the men's mile. I see him afterward, and he's pretty stoked.
Ben Blankenship won that mile with a nice last half mile. Garrett said Ben was aided by running the two mile yesterday. I noted for the record that Ben spent the first minutes after that two mile puking his guts out into a trash bin. Must have helped.
Fellow umpire Ray is from Virgina, just like 1000m favorite Robby Andrews. Ray says, "Robbie and I also came by way of NJ." Hmmmm....me too. Ray lived in Ewing Township, and his brother lives in Belle Mead, right next to my hometown of Branchburg. Very, very small world!
Shelby Houlihan, she of the cold-blooded homicidal race eyes, gets the mile/two mile double by wrecking yet another solid field. The girl has a great future. Later, she is waiting to be interviewed while standing next to shot put winner Michelle Carter. Shelby probably runs 5'4", maybe a buck fifteen, whereas Olympic Gold Medalist Michelle is close to 6' with the muscle mass of three Shelbys. Wish I got a picture of the two of them!
Did I mention dinner? On the way...
Ridiculously nice lady (and Olympic Gold Medalist) Michelle Carter |
Tocano's Brazilian Grill near the track. Insanity....if you're hungry, you might want to skip this part. And I will most definitely need to run again in the morning.
Here's the dessert tray in the lobby....
The salad bar had plenty of goodies. The collards were probably the best part.
Green side up means keep bringing the meat.
Grilled pineapple...
Deep-fried whitefish with mango dressing.
Linguica...portuguese sausage.
Red side up means surrender. No more, I beg of you.
Sitting at the next table? Pole Vault Champions Sandi Morris Sam Kendricks; Sam looked up and remembered me from the track, so I raised a glass in salute.
The tally:
Garlic Beef
Teriyaki Beef
Top sirloin wrapped in bacon
Roasted Turkey wrapped in bacon
Tri tip
Grilled vegetables
Grilled pineapple
Thankfully, each portion was tiny, but in the aggregate...ouch.
Early breakfast, then a short run down to Old Town. The run became a little crazy due to gale-force winds blowing me backward down Lomas toward the Sandia Mountains. Old Town is pretty touristy, some neat shops. On the run back, I was carrying a small gift for my daughter in a plastic bag, and remembered an incident from 35 years ago while living in Glendale, AZ: running home from school on a hot day while shirtless and carrying a pack in my hand, I was stopped by the local police who thought I had just robbed someone. Uh...if that was the case, why am I on a major thruway for all to see? This morning, I half-expected to get stopped again, but it didn't happen.
I was somewhat disappointed.
On Monday, my plane didn't leave until late afternoon, so I had time to see the sights and try more great food. One more trip to The Frontier, across the street from UNM.
Great event. Great trip.
I love track.
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